Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics. There are close connections between these three subjects, so studying a combination of them makes a lot of sense. … Psychology…
Art and design foundation diplomas
The art and design foundation diploma is an introductory, bridging course that helps students make the transition from secondary education (such as A Levels and…
European and Middle Eastern Languages
This course in European and Middle Eastern Languages (EMEL) enables students to combine papers in one of the languages taught in the Faculty of Modern…
Educational technology for growing people
In the next course, students reflect on the game development process and consider how people learn from games. They apply that knowledge and … This…
Learn various ways of painting and drawing
My belief is that the core for all visual art are three sources: direct observation, the minds eye, the intuitive subconscious and combination there of.…
Senior French language practice programe
Travel Alone or With Your family. Most teachers can accommodate a couple, friends traveling together or a family. A great and safe solution to practice…